Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
236 thoughts on “#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong”
I’ve always been a fan of these two. They’re just so PERFECT for each other!
I <3<3<3 u, Haruka and Michiru!!!!!
I am a fan of SM in China,struggling to study Japanese as well as English.And I adore Michiru-sama’s elegance so much!Of course Haruka&Michiru is a perfect match!
Look foward to seeing your new comic strip!
Man, the English dub is lame. You could still tell that Haruka and Michiru were a couple despite the poor attempt to turn them into cousins for the English dub. Shame on them for trying to ruin one of the best relationships in the show!
True. In the manga and the original there are many scenes that make it ABUNDANTLY clear that they are/were lovers. The English version of SM started the ‘cousin’ ruse for the same reason that only the first few episodes of the Stars season was broadcast in the US. Highly critical fans need to remember that anime on a whole was intended for teens 15-18. The show was highly censored in the US, and even an entire season cut out so it could be marketed to young girls. I was born in 1990 and watched the anime from 1997-2005 when it stopped broadcasting on Cartoon Network.
I heard the French had a different way of hiding their relationship.
They made it seem like Haruka pretended to be a man in civilian form to hide her identity, and Michiru pretended to be “his” girlfriend. That still beats making them cousins.. XD
there is nothing wrong with their choice/preference of their sexuality. and it’s better to keep those opinions to yourself; otherwise it’ll turn into a controversial debate, and lets not forget that some people will find your statement very offensive.
I personally don’t mind homosexuality in a tv show/movie/book as long as it’s tastefully done and the characters aren’t totally stereotyped. HOWEVER, as for your complaint about either. Which would you prefer? Lesbians or lesbian incestuous cousins? The first is what Naoko-sensei drew and intended, the latter is what the dub portrayed them to be despite their best intentions.
These are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My compliments to chibijennifer!
I could never draw like that, let alone create some of the best comics I’ve ever seen
PS-this one is my personal favourite!
I’ve always been a fan of these two. They’re just so PERFECT for each other!
I <3<3<3 u, Haruka and Michiru!!!!!
ya im so jelous especialy since they come some how make rose pedals come on command
Damn u, DiC!
I love how Haruka and Michiru are like ‘Really now?’ in the final panel. XD America really failed horribly to censor their beautiful relationship.
I am a fan of SM in China,struggling to study Japanese as well as English.And I adore Michiru-sama’s elegance so much!Of course Haruka&Michiru is a perfect match!
Look foward to seeing your new comic strip!
Man, the English dub is lame. You could still tell that Haruka and Michiru were a couple despite the poor attempt to turn them into cousins for the English dub. Shame on them for trying to ruin one of the best relationships in the show!
there were only two and if you ask me It doesn’t relly matter if you already know so don’t flippin’ of the cteator of the English dub okay
i love those two who dosen’t
Naoko Takeuchi said they aren’t cousins.. is just the english version of Sailor Moon that made them cousins.
True. In the manga and the original there are many scenes that make it ABUNDANTLY clear that they are/were lovers. The English version of SM started the ‘cousin’ ruse for the same reason that only the first few episodes of the Stars season was broadcast in the US. Highly critical fans need to remember that anime on a whole was intended for teens 15-18. The show was highly censored in the US, and even an entire season cut out so it could be marketed to young girls. I was born in 1990 and watched the anime from 1997-2005 when it stopped broadcasting on Cartoon Network.
I heard the French had a different way of hiding their relationship.
They made it seem like Haruka pretended to be a man in civilian form to hide her identity, and Michiru pretended to be “his” girlfriend. That still beats making them cousins.. XD
LOL so funny mummy are thoes two lovers there so cute no sweety there cousins
Haruka & Michiru were wrong 2 begin w/. 1st lesbians, then cousins in the horrible dubb.
there is nothing wrong with their choice/preference of their sexuality. and it’s better to keep those opinions to yourself; otherwise it’ll turn into a controversial debate, and lets not forget that some people will find your statement very offensive.
I personally don’t mind homosexuality in a tv show/movie/book as long as it’s tastefully done and the characters aren’t totally stereotyped. HOWEVER, as for your complaint about either. Which would you prefer? Lesbians or lesbian incestuous cousins? The first is what Naoko-sensei drew and intended, the latter is what the dub portrayed them to be despite their best intentions.
The english dubbers made them “Cousins” because they didn’t like how Sailor Uranus and Neptune were lovers.
Yeah but now they just made them incestuous.
These are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My compliments to chibijennifer!
I could never draw like that, let alone create some of the best comics I’ve ever seen
PS-this one is my personal favourite!
SailorEuropa slhas left the building!
You’re very kind! ^_^