#8 Sad Kitty Day, Distressed Artemis Other comics you might like: #36 Time for Star Powers #55 Minako’s True Colours Sailor Moon Oscar Selfie #83 Usagi’s Famous Odango Hairstyle #41 A Tuxedo’s Policy Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
Great job imitating the… fat cat thingy. Love the comics. Wait, why would a guy go on a date with a cat? Oh, and Minako looks so cute! Reply
Sailor Ninjago: NOOOOOOO NOT YATEEEENN!!!!! *fangirls over Yaten* Yes I love Yaten for no reason XD Reply
No, I think she means Rhett Butler’s owner is smart to have arranged a “blind date” for her cat with Luna. :) Reply
U know, 4 a 5 yr old, she sure is smart. Bet that damn cat had somethin 2 do w/ it. >_< Poor Artemis!!! Reply
No V-chan, MY Yaten!!!!!!!!!
i love this episode its my faverit
Which…episode? XD
Great job imitating the… fat cat thingy. Love the comics. Wait, why would a guy go on a date with a cat? Oh, and Minako looks so cute!
Sailor Ninjago: NOOOOOOO NOT YATEEEENN!!!!! *fangirls over Yaten*
Yes I love Yaten for no reason XD
What’s not to love? :D
So cute! Mina looks so cute in the first panel.
Thank you! I’m glad you like her :D
luna your choise Artemis or Rhett butler!?! ??? o_0
Rhett Butler is pretty sweet. XDDDD
*fangirls over Yaten too* :3
Yay. Rhett Butler cameo! Who doesn’t *love* that kitty?
He’s adorable :3
Um…Tsubasa Chronicles Starlight? Luna is about 1 thousnad years old. It’s in the first season.
No, I think she means Rhett Butler’s owner is smart to have arranged a “blind date” for her cat with Luna. :)
U know, 4 a 5 yr old, she sure is smart. Bet that damn cat had somethin 2 do w/ it. >_< Poor Artemis!!!