#51 Conquer the Universe

MoonSticks #51 Conquer the Universe featuring Princess Serenity, Queen Metalia/Queen Beryl, Chibiusa and Cooan/Catzy

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

188 thoughts on “#51 Conquer the Universe”

  1. Lol. This is really funny! But ruling the universe would be to much work! You can’t please everybody! You gotta keep the people happy. Although maybe Princess Serenity should just kill them both, it could save her a lot of time!

    And happy birthday! I hope your special day goes how you want it to!

    1. Thanks so much Odando! I had a really lovely birthday :D

      But if you were a villain you wouldn’t care if people were happy XD It makes me wonder what they’ll do next when they get bored..

      Or you could be like Neo-Queen Serenity and just banish those who opposed to the lonely Nemesis.. O_O Both sound kinda freaky XD

  2. “Don’t we all want to rule the universe..”

    Not me. Too much paperwork. Why does it never occur to the villians how much work world domination is?

    Uh…not that I’ve ever considered aiming for world domination. Heh heh…seriously.

    1. lol. It does sound like a boring job.

      And I always thought.. why rule the “universe’ when there’s only people on earth?
      But I suppose this is the Sailor Moon world and there’s senshi for every planet/star/thing out there 8D

      1. Well, if during the Moon Kingdom days there were people on other planets and the moon, who’s too say that there aren’t other people on other planets out there?

        Of course that brings up the issue of why all the crazy people show up on Earth…which is a pretty good question. I could totally top those world domination schemes and actually succeed if i had the resources!

        Once again, not implying anything!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! *throws party*

    I really loved this one! Everyone is in the wong place at the wong time. (“Wong” intended. Too much Westward.)

  4. Happy Late Birthday!!!!! I have been following Moon Sticks for a REALLY long time. I just have one question. DO I HAVE TO GET ON MY KNEES AND BEG YOU TO REALEASE A MOONSTICKS BOOK? It has been a really long time since a “good” Sailor Moon fanbook came out.

    1. Thanks very much for your kind comment! It’s flattering to hear you’re so keen on a published version ^_^ It may or may not happen in the future, but of course I’m very grateful for your support :)

  5. hahaha “we come from the future and you dont exist” love this comic! it deserves to be in the top 5

  6. Happy Birthday! I think I found your comic through Tvtropes. Either way I’ve been following it for a month or two, and I really like it.

  7. Happy belated birthday to the twins =D I love your comics Jennifer :3 they’re so cute <3 keep up the good work and have a nice day!!! <3

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