#43 Usagi’s Missing Father

MoonSticks #43 Usagi's Missing Father featuring Usagi Tsukino, Luna, Queen Serenity and Kenji Tsukino.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

187 thoughts on “#43 Usagi’s Missing Father”

  1. Who in the Silver Millenium is Princess Serenity’s dad! I guess this still counts as some kind of mystery… -.-

  2. lol He’s so emotional i wonder what they’d do if they found out about her other parents

  3. i have searched everywhere for princess serenity’s dad!! but nothing cumz up!

    aww poor kenji papa!

        1. but endymion is the prince from earth not the king of the moon.

          and i dont remember where but i think i heard somewhere that the royalty passes on thru the female line. so maybe they didnt need a father. maybe usagi was born by the power of the imperial silver crystal.
          or maybe usagi is an illegitimate child from a “mistake” queen serenity made! lol :P

  4. you know what I’ve always wondered? how did serena’s parent’s give her the name in the silver millennium AND in the present? and this comic is one of my favourites!

    1. haha thanks :D

      ‘In the English dub they call her “Serena” and “Princess Serena” which makes it sound kinda..lame XD. In the original though, her earth name is Usagi (Bunny) so it’s different to Serenity :)

      1. lol I know.
        “SERENA, as sailor MOON you have a duty to find the MOON princess SERENA.” the dub just makes it that more obvious.

  5. Also on Shingo… was I the only one who wanted for him to become a hero and help the rest? Something of Sun powers was my idea.

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