#34 Ami & Urawa’s Feelings

MoonSticks #34 Ami & Urawa's Feelings featuring Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno, Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino and Ryo Urawa/Greg

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

116 thoughts on “#34 Ami & Urawa’s Feelings”

  1. Poor enemy! They always accuse the enemy of causing any trouble, althout it was defeated “three seasons ago”..
    It’s cool to count your life according to seasons LOL
    No really, poor Urawa! It’s bad to feel this way..
    Great like usual..

    P.S. I read the blog entry. Glad you had a good time there. Lucky you!! I wish I could go somewhere.. ;_;
    You’re having atrip and I’m stuck here to study for my exam, not fair T_T (I’m kidding for sure -_-;)
    AND, awesome site, I like the design (especially that calk effect)^^

  2. *sigh* Poor guy. I prefer Ami/Zoi to Ami/Urawa, but this thought did come across me one day… The whole first love deal was confusing, and I wondered if the animators wanted us to forget about Urawa completely or something. Hmm…but maybe it’s to imply that Mercurius was the first person Ami showed actual romantic interest in, as opposed to Urawa, who she only seemed to like in a more innocent way. *shrug*

  3. Explanation, Dunno if it’s been mentioned before but, Ami’s First Love was orginally written for the Manga. Urawa was an anime only character. Hence why it’s the only time she wears glasses in the anime. The S Movie was also written for the manga in the form of “The Lover of Princess Kaguya”

    There were actually a set of 3 similar stories in the manga. Mako-chan’s depression and Rei and Minako’s Girls School battle were the other two. They were known as the “Exam Battles” becasue they all took place when the girls where studying for high school entrance exams. Usagi doesn’t get one since she’s always the star and Minako and Rei’s focus’s on Minako because Rei doesn’t have to worry about entrance exams (Her school uses an “Elevator System, in that the school has all grades and she’s automatically bumped up to the next set of grades). Rei has Casablanca Memories to make up for it though.

    1. Yup, but its amusing to those who have only seen the anime, to think Urawa was completely ignored (as though he never existed) because he was Anime-exclusive and not in the manga.

      Thanks for sharing your knowledge to others who may be interested :D

  4. jajajajajajajajaajajajajajajajajjaja LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL “the dark kigdwon was destroyed 3 seasons ago” jajajajajajajaajajajajajajjj

    sooooo cool!!!!!!!!

  5. The third panel confused me a little when I looked at the 4th and I was all like, “Why is he looking at the DVD in the toilet?!” But he’s not really there. Or, I guess he might be.

    1. LOL! Sorry..I actually somehow got that impression too… “hmm..are people going to think he’s looking at a DVD in the toilet???” XD Of course, I did nothing about it cause the idea was amusing if someone thought that anyway XD

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