#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic #9 - Haruka & Michiru Lesbian Cousins Gone Wrong featuring Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus and Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune. A parody comic about Sailor Uranus and Neptune being called cousins instead of lesbians.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

236 thoughts on “#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong”

  1. heh thats funny coz her mum tried to make so they were just cousins insted of lesbiens so her kid wouldnt get idea but she just made it even more 0.o lol

    1. AH yes, that’s me doing it! I apologise for the weird mixing ups, but I shortened the “threaded comments” so it doesn’t go all weird and break the layout. In other words, instead of having 10 “replies” to one comment, I’ve limited it 5 “replies” so the hierarchy doesn’t turn too small (if that makes any sense). In the future we shouldn’t have this issue anymore :) I’ll see what I can do to make it look neater.

  2. For me I used to love H&M since I was a kid, but without having in mind that they are lesbians or whatever. I mean, I don’t think kids will know about that. Plus, even in their conversations (in Japanese) there is that kind of ambiguity, and till now, some people still wonder whether they are lovers or just very close friends. So, I don’t think Haruka and Michiru’s dialog show them obviously as lesbians. And one last thing, if they are cousins, so they are not lovers!!!! I don’t understand such an equation!!!!

    1. I didn’t really get it either when I watched it as a kid- I didn’t even have any clue they were lesbians even though I watched the Cantonese dub, which was uncut! lol. Little innocent us, ehhee.

    1. See, I’m not so sure. I mean, The Simpsons is aimed at an older demographic unlike Sailor Moon, whose dub was aimed at young children, so they would be allowed to have gay characters, since, ideally, the show would only be viewed by people who can grok (and accept!) the concept of homosexuality, without (in the conservative’s eyes, not in my eyes or the eyes of liberals/leftists) turning them into gays.

      1. Even though a lot of kids watched the Simpsons! I remember back in primary when everyone was saying Simpsons was their favourite cartoon XD When I was a kid, I thought all cartoons were for kids.

          1. Me three LOL! Actually everybody around me think in this way and I spend some of my time trying to explain that NOT ALL CARTOONS ARE FOR KIDS! That’s in vain most of the time especially with my mom ^^;; and my best friend when I try to convince her to go to the cinema to watch a cartoon movie with me -__-;

  3. I was wondering when someone would put up the lesbian/cousin thing. English dubbers shouldn’t switch out some of the originals because chances are, they kids have probably already heard of the topics. So why not just show the world what these kind of things are. It’s not fair to American children to have the same show, but the show be so different from the original.

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, I think the reason Haruka and Michiru’s relationship wasn’t dubbed is because conservatives, based on certain Bible passages that really shouldn’t be taken seriously (a good rule of thumb for the New Testiment is that if Jesus Himself didn’t say it, don’t take it too seriously), think homosexuality is wrong and immoral. They think that childhood exposure to gays and lesbians will cause a person to choose to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc., etc.(even though you don’t choose your sexual orentation, rather you are born with it). So, rather than incur the wrath of the conservatives powers that be, Cloverway and the Cartoon Network just cut it out. ‘Tis a shame, I know.

      1. Does anyone know if this is only in the case of the English dub? I watched the Chinese dub I don’t remember anything being changed from the original either… none of this cousin business.

        1. I’m fairly sure that the English dub was the only dub to take the “cousins” route; however some dubs (like the Italian dub, IIRC) made them “best friends”, the French dub made them battle partners only with Haruka pretending to be a guy and Michiru pretending to be Haruka’s girlfriend, and the German dub just made dialogue between the two a lot more ambigous. I don’t really think Haruka x Michiru would be such a problem in Asain countries, since they seem to be more tolerant of things considered taboo in Western cultures like homosexuality, sexuality in general, nudity, etc., etc.

          1. Oh that’s pretty interesting, never knew about that. They all sound pretty plausible.. especially the one about them pretending to be lovers- i.e it seems more believable they behave the way they do (instead of the English one where it just doesn’t make sense for two cousins to be so intimate). I also prefer the idea of them being vague/ambiguous in their dialogues, as oppose to just denying the relationship overall.

          2. Oh, and the Mexican dub actually retained Haruka and Michiru’s relationship, so…uh…yeah. Puttin’ that out there.

          3. So do I. I mean, the demographic the dub is aimed at isn’t necessarily going to notice vague sexual references, so really, what’s the harm in throwing in an ambiguous lesbian remark in here and there? Besides, if it really and truly got to the point that conservative groups were going to set of Optimum Productions ablaze and kill everyone who ever had an affiliation with the production of the dub over those little bitty pseudo-homoerotic comments that half the people watching won’t even notice(I’m not a conservative- can you tell?), CWi and Cartoon Network could always do what Sesame Workshop does when people accuse Bert and Ernie of being gay: insist that they’re not. Of course, that could just be as bad as flat-out denying the relationship in the dub itself. *sigh* I guess English speaking countries (as a whole) can’t appreciate the sheer, awesome reality that is Haruka x Michiru.

        2. Sorry about going off topic (I’m really bad at staying on topic), but was the Chinese dub only in Cantonese, or was there a Mandarin dub as well?

  4. This seriously happened to me with my niece. I would have gladly explained to her that they were lovers but her mom looked at me with blazing eyes…scary stuff.

    1. Haha. Just give that finger quotation gesture when you say “cousins”. ;)

      Even though I knew the cousin thing was censorship when I first saw S I always got the feeling that “Cous” and “Cousin” was slang for “lesbian”. Kind of like “sister” and “brother” can be slang. Hardcore Moonies should just look at it from this point of view and you’ll find it pretty watchable.

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