#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic #9 - Haruka & Michiru Lesbian Cousins Gone Wrong featuring Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus and Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune. A parody comic about Sailor Uranus and Neptune being called cousins instead of lesbians.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

236 thoughts on “#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong”

  1. ROFLAMO, the dub really messed up i mean lesiban cousins, like that’s true, anyway hilarious

    love ya loads

  2. I didn’t get it at first..
    But when I read that in English dub they are cousins, I laughed a lot..
    Sailor Moon is never translated into my language, but here, for other programs, they make almost the same (they make lovers friend or brothers ^^;;)
    Yeah, this little girl is clever to notice that Haruca is a girl LOL
    And I love that little bird too…
    Thaaaaanks a lot..
    I was looking forward to see something about Haruka and Michiry^^

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you like it! I remember you requesting one of them before so I hoped you would see it ^_^ And yes! Clever girl~ it’s hard to tell Haruka is even a girl in the picture XD

        1. You mean.. “She’s a guy?” XD
          I could just imagine the lady (Ms Dub) saying “No, don’t be silly one is a Guy!”
          Then the girls like: “Noo..look closer *points fingers* XD”

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