#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic #9 - Haruka & Michiru Lesbian Cousins Gone Wrong featuring Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus and Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune. A parody comic about Sailor Uranus and Neptune being called cousins instead of lesbians.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

236 thoughts on “#9 Haruka & Michiru Gone Wrong”

  1. lol!! cute! and sweet!!

    love the little girl (shes a clever one lol) and the little bird on the ground lol

    Go Haruka + Michiru <3

    1. ahaha, yay, the birdie gets a mention! It was the last drawing of this piece XD Doesn’t look like a happy bird though, seems to be an old one having trouble walking.

  2. I’m very reluctant to check any Sailor Moon content apart what I’ve already checked, but this is some fine work over here! Good job!

  3. Awesome! I just knew there was going to be a cousin joke sooner or later! “Oh, so they’re lesbian cousins!” HA!

      1. Thank you!! Yeh, I just had to make a comment about the “cousinly love” XD

        Do you mean you’re happy it’s on a Thursday or you would like it on a Thursday? It’s Friday over here where I am XD

        1. Haha, I get similar comments Chibi (because we’re almost in the same timezones). My Moonie Music Mondays get posted on Mondays but all the people on the other side of the world think I’m posting it on Sunday. :D People seem to forget about timezones. lol

          p.s. Sailor Gold Rabbit not picking on you! *hug!* Time difference just always makes me laugh.

          1. yay, same boat XD
            I had a feeling someone was gonna bring that up.. since Aussie time seems to be about 16+ hours faster than in the US, and since I post MoonSticks Comics at 7am on every Aussie Friday, it would appear as a Thursday, lol. hmmm…. maybe “Updated every Friday” is misleading!

        2. By that I mean I’m happy it’s on a Thursday! I never realized how far ahead Austrailia is compared to Canada. What’s it like in the future? :)

          1. We have flying cars and everything! In fact the world just froze over and we have this cool queen qho rules over us with a crystal-something! ;)

          2. Oh my God, that totally reminds me of this anime I saw once! I think it was called Surfer Satellite or something.

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