#72 Why Everyone Attacks Tokyo

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #72 Jadeite's Awesome Idea featuring Jadeite and Queen Beryl from the Dark Kingdom

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

178 thoughts on “#72 Why Everyone Attacks Tokyo”

      1. Maybe if… They had done what the Simpsons did when they visited Japan, to wait for the airline to sell the tickets of those passengers that din’t showed up?

      1. I have a reason for that: it’s an unspoken rule that for an anime to be good, it *has* to be in Japan/wherever the good guys operate/live in. So, it isn’t Beryl being a cheapskate, she’s following the script!

  1. Didn’t Minako actually live abroad when she was Sailor V? Or is my memory tricking me into believing that Artemis and Minako have done quite a job protecting peace outside Japan also?

  2. I always wondered why they didn’t just attack another country. Like Canada or Russia, for example, seeing as their technical “base” was supposed to be the North Pole…

      1. Maybe it was that underground tunnel thing they ran into in the last ep of season 1. It probably tunneled into a mini wormhole under the Bering Strait or something, that led directly under Tokyo, so they figured “hey, why not use this semi-magical, but mostly scientifical, tunnel thing to attack whatever country it comes out under? We’ll sure save a load on jet fuel that way, even if we don’t get the frequent flier miles!’
        And Metallia was probably all like, ‘finally, my minions are using their brains for something!’

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