#70 Mamoru Belongs to Me!

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #70 Mamoru Belongs to Me! featuring Mamoru Chiba/Prince Endymion, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehellenia, Chibiusa and Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon

See what happens in: #71 Mamoru Belongs to Me! Part II

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

154 thoughts on “#70 Mamoru Belongs to Me!”

  1. On the flip side, at least one of those situations was done out of mere spite rather than an attraction to Mamoru.

  2. Get together with Seiya! He at least treated Usagi better than Mamaru ever did (save for when he was Moonlight night…doesn’t really count much because that was only his past memory essence?) lol I don’t count Endymion either because that was Mamaru’s past self. Both Usagi and Mamaru are different people since back then. As for Chibiusa…well let me just say it sucks to HAVE to be in the relationship so she will be born instead of it being because they love each other. Sure they do love one another but if she wavers even a bit she’s reminded that she will ruin Chibiusa’s future. Usagi should be allowed to change her mind about the relationship if she viewed it wasn’t going well. That’s why I think Chibiusa messed up when she went to the past and everyone found out she was their kid. Plus she changed the future a ton. Even the timespan of her birth if I’m not mistaken (if i am, eh).
    my opinion. (wow i apparently needed to get this out of my system xD sorry everyone.

    1. haha that’s cool XD Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion :)

      Although I disagree that Usagi stayed with Mamoru because of Chibiusa, I think you are right in that it feels unfair to have that extra “burden”. No one should have to know their future (and meet their future kid XD) and then feel obligated to have things stay as they are now just so it doesn’t change/impact the future. Everytime there’s a Seiya/Mamoru debate, people always bring up Chibiusa ^^”

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