#43 Usagi’s Missing Father

MoonSticks #43 Usagi's Missing Father featuring Usagi Tsukino, Luna, Queen Serenity and Kenji Tsukino.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

187 thoughts on “#43 Usagi’s Missing Father”

  1. Poor Kenji, the producers don’t like you OR Serenity’s real father. Such a shame. It reminds me of a comic I read called Four King Hell. There’s this one part where Usagi said “You can hypnotize my parents. There used to it.” That part craked me up. Kenji may be a minor character but can be overprotective when comes to Usagi and Mamo-chan.

    (Still love your comics!)

    1. I had a bit of a dilemma thinking how Luna would reply to that question since I’m not sure she knows, and no one knows what the truth is ^^; Her explanation came out pretty vague. XD

    1. I still think Princess Serenity doesn’t actually have a father. Especially after reading the Stars arc of the manga when Guardian Cosmos mentions a similar light to Usagi’s (Queen Serenity) coming from the cauldron carrying a star inside her. Kind of like the virgin marry and even in Star Wars too, Anakin Skywalker had no father. He was just meant to be so he was born. That’s how I think of Princess Serenity.

  2. hahahaha, Poor papa Kenji… Especially since it’s true ^^; By boyfriend only saw the last 2 series and he didn’t believe that Usagi had a dad…

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