#14 The Ayakashi Sisters’ New Life

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #14 The Ayakashi Sisters' New Life featuring Cooan/Catzy, Berthier/Bertie, Calaveras/Avery, Petzu/Prisma, Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino, Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno and Sailor Mars/Rei Hino

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

91 thoughts on “#14 The Ayakashi Sisters’ New Life”

  1. I wonder if the Death Busters DO have a tattoo parlour somewhere… Although most of the tattoos on the Daimons seem to be on… um… inappropriate places… Great job!!

    1. lol…you make a good point about the “inappropriate places” LOL.. WHY IS THAT? ahahahaa..

      The Death Busters would make pretty good business since their tattoos aren’t permanent and just appear when they want to ^^

  2. I’m pretty sure the reason the Ayakashi Sisters weren’t used in later seasons is because in the manga, rather than being healed, they were all killed. Because the series was supposed to stop at R (thank God it didn’t!), I guess the anime writers figured it didn’t matter if they were killed or not, since there wasn’t going to be any more Sailor Moon.

    1. hmm..and characters usually from one season don’t show up again since there’s no more purpose for them (in the anime)- like the guy Ami-chan likes from the first season.

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