#73 Star Serious Plan

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #73 #73 Star Serious Plan featuring Sailor Starlights: Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya Kou, Sailor Star Maker/Taiki Kou, Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou and Princess Kakyuu

Please seriously share! ;D And..here’s what happens when they find her

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

152 thoughts on “#73 Star Serious Plan”

  1. Lol, so f*cking true! This never made ANY SENSE, what ere they thinking, man? XD I love these comics, they lol at all the stupid little things in Sailor Moon anime, even though we still love it, it’s good not to take stuff too serious and see the flaws XD

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