Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
Right now, I’m going crazy just waiting for the SM in 2013!! I need more info about the new SM now, i’m gonna miss the old sailor moon. I’m so nervous/scared (can’t find the right word) if it’s not as good as the old one.
(everyone says the manga is better than the anime though..) :?
I think a lot of us are in the same boat, because we love the series so much we’re going to have really high expectations. It’s good to be so excited by it though.
Kunzite: You know how long it took to get those?! >:O Theif i’m calling the police!
Usagi: it was you guys who technically stole them from me and my kingdom O.o
Kunzite:………..dang >.> I still want them back! XO
and I Love your comics! <3 Please contiue to make more of them :D and add some more of chibi-moon :3
Reporter: (runs up to Kunzite) How does it feel to win for once?
Kunzite:it feels..it feels
(Diamonds fly away)
Reporter: got to go!You know bussiness! ;)
KUnzite: NOOOO!
(Reporter runs up to Sailor Moon)
Reporter: How do you feel winning 1,214 time?
Sailor Moon: great?
Reporter: there we have it! Sailor moon does triumph all evil!
Haha, brilliant. Poor Kunzite and Zoicite with all their bumbling. “We did it, we did it, we di-..aw.” Adorable artwork and hilarious comic. I especially enjoy Sailor Pluto’s appearances.
Aaaand, I just looked again, and saw it was Queen Beryl wearing the meme face. So used to seeing Kunzite and Zoicite together, it’s just an assumption in every picture I see now. XD
i really love your comics i hope you make more
More MoonSticks Comics Cause I Find Them Funny :)
I want more! Your comics are really awesome please make more! =D
Thanks for your lovely comment Nekohime :D
Right now, I’m going crazy just waiting for the SM in 2013!! I need more info about the new SM now, i’m gonna miss the old sailor moon. I’m so nervous/scared (can’t find the right word) if it’s not as good as the old one.
(everyone says the manga is better than the anime though..) :?
I think a lot of us are in the same boat, because we love the series so much we’re going to have really high expectations. It’s good to be so excited by it though.
I just hope it’s exiting and good in every way! But I’m still scared if it’s not what we all expected, but it has to be gooood.
I think the word you are looking for is anxious? lol
Yes! That;s the word! lol, I can be so clueless sometimes :D
Lol,i luv this one!I read all of your comics in 2 days.I jst found these the other day…keep up the good work!!!! ^.^
It’s nice to have you here ^_^ Thanks for checking them all out!
Haha, I bet the next comic will be even funnier because they just get better and better!! You are a genius.
aww thank you :D
Kunzite: You know how long it took to get those?! >:O Theif i’m calling the police!
Usagi: it was you guys who technically stole them from me and my kingdom O.o
Kunzite:………..dang >.> I still want them back! XO
and I Love your comics! <3 Please contiue to make more of them :D and add some more of chibi-moon :3
Reporter: (runs up to Kunzite) How does it feel to win for once?
Kunzite:it feels..it feels
(Diamonds fly away)
Reporter: got to go!You know bussiness! ;)
KUnzite: NOOOO!
(Reporter runs up to Sailor Moon)
Reporter: How do you feel winning 1,214 time?
Sailor Moon: great?
Reporter: there we have it! Sailor moon does triumph all evil!
We can’t let the bad guys win ;D
I think we can at least let them win for once! ;D Sailor moon probably won 108,986 times!
Another win for Sailor Moon, make that 108,987! XD
Haha, brilliant. Poor Kunzite and Zoicite with all their bumbling. “We did it, we did it, we di-..aw.” Adorable artwork and hilarious comic. I especially enjoy Sailor Pluto’s appearances.
Aaaand, I just looked again, and saw it was Queen Beryl wearing the meme face. So used to seeing Kunzite and Zoicite together, it’s just an assumption in every picture I see now. XD
hahaah XDD Yeah, I thought about putting Zoisite but I think Beryl would be more nuts over the incident XD
like it, where the other new comic are you planing to makeit? \^^
I’m not sure, hopefully one soon :)
thank you luv you i ll wait ^^