#58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight

MoonSticks #58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight, Winning Love by Daylight featuring Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi, Tuxedo Kamen/Chiba Mamoru and Sailor Mars/Hino Rei

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

469 thoughts on “#58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight”

  1. Some songs in sailor moon foreshadow things like yakusoku and mi amor.In yakusoku,a line was translated to I kept a secret from my mom and in mi amor,It forshadowed her (lesbian)love for Usagi.

  2. I think the line ‘Never running from a real fight’ refers to Usagi growing from a crybaby to a nice,mature woman.

  3. The way I understood it, the song was meaning to say that while she constantly tries to run away from the normal, day-to-day fights against random youma, when it comes down to it, she wouldn’t run from a “real” fight.

    1. Yup, I agree with you :D
      It’s just a lot of fun poking at that idea, sicne especially in the early episodes from the first season, we see her running and screaming all the time XD

  4. God I’m 4 months late to notice your return I’m so so so sooowwwwy D: welcome back!
    Really, ebil Rei is ebil :3 always picking on Usagi tsk tsk

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