#58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight

MoonSticks #58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight, Winning Love by Daylight featuring Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi, Tuxedo Kamen/Chiba Mamoru and Sailor Mars/Hino Rei

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

469 thoughts on “#58 Fighting Evil By Moonlight”

  1. I’m actually really surprised they didn’t use this in the dub! :P I’ve always found that line funny, considering how scared Usagi was when she first became Sailor Moon!

    Nice to see you back~ Please stay! ^_^

  2. OMG! I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR COMICS! SO FUNNY! HOW DO U THINK OF THESE THINGS?!?!?! WHY AM I KEEP DOING CAPS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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