#5 Sailor Mercury’s Strategy

MoonSticks Sailor Moon comic #5 - Sailor Mercury's Strategy featuring Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

104 thoughts on “#5 Sailor Mercury’s Strategy”

  1. Shes following the three directives
    1. Serve the public trust
    2. Protect the innolent
    3. Uphold the law


    Sailor Moon Ep.9 Usagi’s misfortune! Watch out for the rushing clocks!

  2. Now THIS is one of my pet peeves during the Classic Season; seriously, did writers forget about the dozens of good Ice spells in games today?

    1. I totally agree. Ami had the potential for some awesome powers. But nope. Just bubbles. I swear she was the only one who couldn’t possibly fen for her self in that season. R fixed that though, and I was happy. :)

  3. Ami-chan’s pot comment reminds me of the Legend of Zelda game series where Link can throw stuff (i.e. pots and, in Link to the Past, bushes) at enemies and it would kill them.

    Love the comics, Jen. They’re really funny *giggles*

  4. awww Poor Ami! Where’s Sailor Moon when you need her? :P Or maybe just throw a computer or a mouse!

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