#49 Aren’t I good enough?

MoonSticks #49 Aren't I good enough? featuring the Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter, Usagi/Sailor Moon and the Moonlight Knight

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

206 thoughts on “#49 Aren’t I good enough?”

  1. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh. And I don’t even like Seiya/Usagi.

    *stares* *beginstocrylaugh*

    1. You make a good point.

      I actually feel the same too! I think the idea is silly and funny, but I can’t laugh seeing Seiya so sad in the 4th frame ^^;;;

      Note to self: Don’t make fun of a sad, emotional scene…lol

  2. Haha this might be my most favorite comic! xD
    I LOVE Seiya’s face! XD
    I also love the 3rd panel! Ha! XD

  3. Ha, I picture Seiya standing there for 5 minutes all like, “Is she thinking about it? Did she space out? Is she in a coma? Should I say something else? Maybe I should try to kiss her, but what if she’s creeped out? Come on, say something!”

    1. lol yeah!

      Nothing really happens after that in the anime version, though I wish it did showed more..
      Wow, Seiya kissing Usagi here would have been perfect, lol.. She’s just gazing back at him!

      But he’s not really someone who would force himself on her. ^^
      Ah..Seiya is so sweet

  4. muahahaha ^^ Nice XD I wish he punched Tuxedo in the face though (tuxedo or… whatever he was called under this form ^^: can’t remember

  5. I think this one is my favorite yet! Hilariously awesome, and Moonlight Knight protecting Mamoru’s best interests, for once. :D

  6. Oh my. You know this is the only scene where I actually cried during Sailor Moon? None of the death scenes (with five seasons there are plenty) even though I really wanted to then. No this is the only time I actually ever cried. All the emotions going on both sides. And you… actually made me laugh at it, close enough anyway. I personally prefer Mamo/Usa but Usagi/Seiya does deserve some love. Great job once again.

    Ot of curiousity, what made you choose Moonlight Knight instead of Tuxedo Mask? It doesn’t matter, it was good either way.

    1. My assumption is because Moonlight Knight is an unconscious manifestation of Mamoru’s need to protect Usagi.

      >.> No, I’m not an insane fan who remembers almost every detail about the show… and I don’t watch the Doom Tree arc over and over and over again…

      1. I thought it was something like that. I wasn’t sure since I only seen the R season a couple of times, the last like over a year ago.

        And there is no reason why not to know the little details about the show. I remember a lot of the details from Super, and I have no problem to admitting that’s because I’ve seen it like… almost a half dozen times :D.

    2. haha, I’m glad you asked XD (Though I might’ve thought too much about it that it almost appears to be random..)

      Well I thought it was “possible” that The Moonlight Knight appears, but kinda impossible for Tuxy (since we know he actually died in Stars)- so instead of popping Mamoru there I chose Moonlight Knight instead- his courageous soul who longs to protect Sailor Moon while Mamoru was away XD

      lol, I thought it made sense when I made it but now that sounds weird 8D (Seeing as Usagi doesn’t know Mamoru is dead and since this is just her imagination it shouldn’t have to make sense)

      Anyways I personally loved this scene too. It was so sad seeing Seiya feel so hopelessly in love, especially when I adored this couple. I didn’t know how to make this scene funny but I somehow wanted to include it in MoonSticks ^^;


    3. Me too. Actually, I used to cry heaps during SM. These days, in my frozen, mature brain, this is the only scene that brings tears. Every time. Just goes to show. xD

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