#42 Star Seed Hunters

MoonSticks #42 Star Seed Hunters featuring Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Tin Nyanko and Eternal Sailor Moon

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

120 thoughts on “#42 Star Seed Hunters”

  1. Oh, boy! Looks like Galaxia-sama has been secretly watching SMA (Sailor Moon Abridged) if her instant reaction to Usagi is “Blob of Jelly”! Love the screentone in panel 3 =^^=

  2. ROFLMAO I love panel 2!
    I always wondered why they didn’t go after the sailor soldiers in the anime.

  3. lol blob of jelly i read this with my friend (i tend to do that alot!) as soon as we got off-line she called me blob of jelly lol so i flicked her in the nose and said sailor senshi
    lol we love your comics we’ve read pretty much all of them lol

  4. Wait…did Galaxia totally magically white-out that sign and write “Blob of Jelly” in place of “Sailor Senshi”? Sorry…slow night for me. ^^;

    On the other hand…I’m guessing the AnimaMates went after the people they did because of how they saw those ‘ordinary’ people shine doing ‘normal’ things. *shrug* But whatever, this is still funny.

    1. haha, It can be interpreted anyway you like really ^^; My intention though was that Usagi “changed” it, depending on what she thought Galaxia thought of her. Since Galaxia walked away after obviously seeing a Sailor Senshi, she felt like a “blob of Jelly” which is how she saw the other victim dude.

  5. Etenral Sailor Moon is far to Frilly. Not a senshi and totally jelly….

    Lame jokes aside this one made me laugh. I like it.

  6. I love this one! It’s one of my favorites! You gotta feel bad for Galaxia. Maybe she should just do it herself? lol. And poor Usagi-chan! She’s not a blob of jelly! She’s an odango! Cause she eats so many of them!

    I always look forward to fridays! I get to check to see what this weeks comic is! I’ve been reading them for along time! I really love these!

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