Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
115 thoughts on “#37 Zoisite’s Surprise Date”
XDDDD So Kunzite is into cosplaying huh?? weird kink he’s got asking Zoisite to wear that.
Love the stalker Nephrite in panel2<3 lol
Really, Kunzite… What were you thinking? XD Queen Beryl’s dress????? I was xpecting her to like appear in the last panel and snatch it back saying “IT’S MINE!!!!”
And what is Nephrite doing in the second panel??? He looks so sneaky… Is he planning something to get into a fututre comic???
Okay, yet another cool comic. But,like Arjay, i simply can’t imagine how zoiste will be cosplayed as queen beryl! Haha and Kunzite is like, waiting zoiste to appear in his dress lor
XDDDD So Kunzite is into cosplaying huh?? weird kink he’s got asking Zoisite to wear that.
Love the stalker Nephrite in panel2<3 lol
in second panel zoisite looks like a girl…..
nephrite just stand there in the shadows like creeper lol
hehhehee yes 8D
Really, Kunzite… What were you thinking? XD Queen Beryl’s dress????? I was xpecting her to like appear in the last panel and snatch it back saying “IT’S MINE!!!!”
And what is Nephrite doing in the second panel??? He looks so sneaky… Is he planning something to get into a fututre comic???
ahaha..yeah, this reveals Kunzite’s strangely twisted mind XD
and Nephrite, well…ahaha, he just likes to stand thee suspiciously and do nothing. lol
lol and y would he give that to him KUNZITE U R NUTS TO DO THAT
LOL and ewwww……
Queen Beryl sex RP…
^^;; Um, it does sound like it aye? There was absolutely no intent for it to look like Kunzite was ready for bed. But now that you mention it.. ^^;;;
lol lol lol lol lol Hilarious! Just can`t stop laughing. lol
That’s great ^_^! Thank you!
Oook, Beryl Cosplay…
I think Zoi would have objected outright if he’d been asked.
Zoisite is proud of his gender :D!
Okay, yet another cool comic. But,like Arjay, i simply can’t imagine how zoiste will be cosplayed as queen beryl! Haha and Kunzite is like, waiting zoiste to appear in his dress lor
Thanks for checking this out ^.^
I can imagine both Nephrite AND Zoisite cosplaying as Queen Beryl! And Kunzite as Sailor Venus, but that’s another story.
:D yay, glad you enjoyed it!!
Imagining Kunzite as sailor venus gave me nightmares DX
hahahahaha love it, as always <3
aww, thank you candyhart :3