Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
This reminds me of one of my favorite doujins that isn’t Pluto centered. It has a very busty Beryl in a Sailor Senshi outfit ‘raping’ a well endowed Zoicite. Also I almost forgot Zoicite was a guy (99% of all the pics I see of him have him as a her)
hehe what a random comic XD didn’t realise it was a beryl cosplay outfit!
I think for this comic I have to think about it before I see the inside joke (e.g Kunzite thinking Zoisite likes cosplay since he dressed up as Sailormoon in an episode)
Love Zoisite’s initial reaction to the present though- lots of hearts et since it’s from his love lol
heeh thanks! ^_^
yeah, it’s likely that most people would have to read it twice or think about it for a little bit before they can grasp what is happening (or the reasons for it)- since there’s quite a bit going on. Glad you got it!
Lol! Epic Win :D
Thanks sawai159 :D
Oh maaaaan. XD
hehhe ^_^!
*giggle* Kunzite didn’t think that through, did he?
This reminds me of one of my favorite doujins that isn’t Pluto centered. It has a very busty Beryl in a Sailor Senshi outfit ‘raping’ a well endowed Zoicite. Also I almost forgot Zoicite was a guy (99% of all the pics I see of him have him as a her)
oh……. xD
Sorry if that offended you.
hehe what a random comic XD didn’t realise it was a beryl cosplay outfit!
I think for this comic I have to think about it before I see the inside joke (e.g Kunzite thinking Zoisite likes cosplay since he dressed up as Sailormoon in an episode)
Love Zoisite’s initial reaction to the present though- lots of hearts et since it’s from his love lol
heeh thanks! ^_^
yeah, it’s likely that most people would have to read it twice or think about it for a little bit before they can grasp what is happening (or the reasons for it)- since there’s quite a bit going on. Glad you got it!
that’s so funny I love Zois face on the second pic.
*whisper* by the way did you get my message??? *and of whisper*
^_^ Zoi looks so girlie and happy.
*whisper* yes I did *whisper*
lol! WIN! XD
I love the generals so much. Don’t let Beryl hear he dress is last season
haha, I thought about having Queen Beryl turn up actually!
But yeh, too many ideas to squeeze into 4 frames >.<
Heh, good timing with Zoisite’s comment on the third panel!
Thank you ^^ I was quite happy with the timing as well :}
Oh….in the first panel I thought Zoisite was Makoto. >_> I’m silly. :[
OH LOL. Another funny comic! ^^ Lol @ Nepherite in panel 2. :P
BTW you added an extra N to the I.
Yup…will fix that when I get the chance! (When I’m not at work XD)
Glad Nephrite made u giggle ^.^ I love him in the corner..doing..nothing. XD
haha, ncie to know Nephrite made you giggle :D I love how he’s sitting there in the corner…doing..nothing. XD