#33 Wish Upon a Wiseman

MoonSticks #33 Wish Upon a Wiseman featuring The Black Moon Clan Prince Demand/Diamond, Crimson Rubeus, Green Esmeraude/Emerald, Blue Saphir/Sapphire and Wiseman.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

124 thoughts on “#33 Wish Upon a Wiseman”

  1. hi!
    i am johnn, and i am a big fun of your page, almost from the very first comic! i laugh a lot with your chibi stories! my favourite is #7! “moshi moshi?” keep on the very good job you do! thank you for those stories!

  2. The look on Esmurade’s face = priceless. XD

    And Diamnde looks so happy in frame one. Rubeus looks like his usual grumpy self, and Saphir…

    Saphir just looks adorable. X3 I love his pout.

    And Wiseman has stubby arms! *squeeeal* I love Wiseman’s stubby arms!!

  3. HEHE!
    Good one!^^
    Come on Jen.. Give that handsome man what he wishes.. How can you say no for such a prince? *hearts*

    I didn’t told you before right?
    I’m Sailor Sun and my prince is Saphir <3

    And about the second panel, True -_-; I'd ask such a wish for Esmerada ^^;;
    Their face are priceless LOL 8D

  4. Kuso! kuso! kuso!
    He came to me, and I kinda believed him, and first now you’re telling us not to trust him! ;) Well whatever, I still can pretend I’m a senshi….

      1. Yesh, he is. Besides being able to pass off as a clone of Mamoru, he does actually put more thought into things as opposed to the rest of the Black Moon Family. I mean think about it. Rubeus was a chauvinistic ass who just wanted all the credit for himself while the Ayakashi Sisters did his dirty work. The sisters in question all fell hard for the jerk and let those emotions shoot them around. Esmeraude was too obsessed with herself and Dimande and ol’ princey in turn was obsessed with his infatuation with Neo Queen Serenity. Dangerous? Yes, they were. Idiotic? Unfortunately, this also was true.

        Saphir on the other hand thought things through and didn’t act as recklessly as everyone else. He was the first out of all of them to figure out that Wiseman was just using them. Not only that, he was gracious enough to try and warn his (ungrateful *cough*) brother, but then got zapped to death in return by that very same idiocy. *facepalm*

        Yeah, so Saphir pwns them all…

          1. Heh, and another thing was that even though he was in love with Petz, he didn’t go all crazy over it.

            Sheesh, to be loved by a member of the Black Moon Family is to wish for death…

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