#32 Missing from SuperS

MoonSticks #32 Missing from SuperS featuring Sailor Uranus/Haruka, Sailor Neptune/Michiru and Sailor Pluto/Setsuna of the Outer Senshi

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

182 thoughts on “#32 Missing from SuperS”

  1. 1) Pluto is never dead to me *hugs her*
    2) I lol’d at her comment. She can’t lover her all the time lol

      1. Well lets say even Pluto has her patience limit and I’m sure Chibi-Usa pisses even Pluto off at times. That’s what I mean by “she cant love her all the time”.

          1. I just realized I hit “lover” instead of “love”. Just goes to show what happens when I type half asleep/out of my gourd lol

  2. I didn’t get it at first. I didn’t know that Pluto has died in SMS until I rewatched the episode again (I did that a moment ago). Poor Pluto, she is always sacrificed for the others (She is sacrificed with Saturn in SM Stars too) LOL
    Come on, Pluto shouldn’t hate Chibusa. She is her Po XD

    Haruka and Michiru are completely right when they said that they are tho coolest couple *hearts* I can’t believe it. Chibiusa is such a bad colonizer hehe

    I really love H&M’s expressions. They look really surprised lol
    Michiru looks kawaii. I noticed that her mirror tells her about everything lol

    Great observation. It’s really a great and accurate comic ^^

    P.S: I’ve visited the site on Thursday and this comic was having 62 comments! I didn’t believe how fast those people are lol ^^;;

    1. haha thanks for your comments! ^^ I didn’t realise so many people didn’t know Pluto died though… O_o..hmm..

      And yeah, it’s posted in Friday in Sydney time but it’s a Thursday for many others due to timezone differences. :D You can get notified instantly when it’s posted if you subscribe to the RSS feeds, follow on Twitter or on facebook. But of course, checking back once every week is also sufficient ^_^!

  3. Heh. Well, Saturn and Neptune show up in one of the specials, in a manner that fuels fan speculation that Tokyo was placed in some sort of time-displacement bubble by the Dead Moon Circus. But that’s another topic.

      1. I belive (s)he’s refering to “Supers Special: Haruka and Michiru, Again! The Ghostly Puppet Show” It shows us a bit of what Haruka and Michiru are up to.

  4. cool, as always, your comic amuses me, though some a bit confusing.

    Well, it is more puzzling to see Pluto revive after dieing…

  5. Yeah srsly I feel for Pluto here. I would rather the outers have their own season than Chibi-Usa. :/

    But LOL at the last panel! Priceless!

  6. hahaha!! ChibiUsa sure has way too much screeentime!:( I totally love Setsuna in the last panel!xD
    Too bad they cut out the outers in superS!! When I wathed supers the first time, I was aboute to give up on SM coz Haruka never showd up. I could swear they used the outer senshi’s sundtracks in that season wich almost made me cry! T-T

    I’ve been reading those every single week, and I finlly posted a comment! Yay for me!:3

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