#2 Kunzite’s Daily Job

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic #2 - Kunzite's Daily Job featuring Queen Beryl and Kunzite from the Dark Kingdom

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

100 thoughts on “#2 Kunzite’s Daily Job”

  1. oMg!! mY SORE VERY SORE EYES are hurting me! no offense, but Beryl has a B _ _ Bum!!

    (P.S u fill out the two missing letters!)

    (ANS: Big) Lol

  2. alot of people disappeared in the last panel.
    Beryl: Does my bum look big?
    Me: now that’s a stupid question Beryl!
    Her face is so ‘evil-looking’ in the last panel! :P
    And I think I actually saw Queen-Beryl smile, I think she only smiles when she gets energy and when she stole Mamoru-chan.

  3. Great job Chibi Jen! This one is sooooooooooo funny! This is one of my favorites. My favorite is ,,Don’t add me on facebook”. But I wanna add you! After your trip, make and the comic #61. I hope that the ideas come to your head! And I hope that they are good ideas! Continue your extraordinary work, Chibi Jen!

  4. The title “Kunzite’s Daily Job” sounds so right XD ppl get to please their boss, including Kunzite hahah…

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