#15 The Guardian of the Time Gate

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #15 The Guardian of the Time Gate featuring Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meiou and Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon R

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

155 thoughts on “#15 The Guardian of the Time Gate”

  1. Ahahahaha!!!! Awesome comic! lol We have a cockroach haunting our cupboards at the moment though… And it’s quite large… So yeah, I know how poor Setsuna feels. :^^;:

    1. haha thanks!…though somehow, I kinda doubt Pluto would actually manage to kill it ^^; Poking at it with the end of a stick is kinda hard to aim, seeing as we know how fast cockroaches run.

  2. Tired of being beaten in human forms Chaos tries to sneak into the future as…a cockroach!

    This one was a funny one.

    PS: I love these comics. Their like candy you can read.

  3. *sigh* I still place Sailor Pluto (Trista) in high regard for being a strong Sailor Scout, but…one cockroach and she’s scared. Speaking of which, in my Sailor Moon continuity as Trista’s lover, I make sure I keep her area roach-free. Why? I’m not sure how it started, but it’s important Sailor Pluto stays cool and strong and good looking. I only hope the Negaverse or Sailor Galaxia doesn’t unleash either a cockroach themed youma or someone called ‘Sailor Cockroach’.

    PS. Good comic! BTW, for the next Moonsticks, can you do an episode about Sailor Galaxia and that TV station? (oh and what was that TV station called in Sailor Stars?)

    1. Yeah! Really..
      What would Pluto do if a sailor cockroach was there??? -_-;;
      I guess she will give up being a sailor senshi FOREVER hehe XD

      I think Sailor Pluto fights very bravely in this comic lol

    2. lol, reminds me of that scene in Sailor Stars when the inner senshi finds a cockroach in the house and they ALL freak out! lol.

      Thanks for your suggestion for another comic strip, but I think I’ll get around to Galaxia again at a later date- since there’s other characters I want to work on first :) Have you seen comic #7 Moshi Moshi? Sailor Iron Mouse’s Pinch?

  4. Hahahahaha! It’s fantastic XD
    Yack! I hate cockroaches too!
    Poor Setsuna hehehe ^^
    Thanks Chibi! Y always put a smile on my face ^___^

    Out of the subject: Yaaaaaay I finished my exam! YAAAAY^^

    1. hehehe Thanks Sailor Sun! I’m really scared of cockroaches too…so it’s NO LAUGHING MATTER XD XD XD I would probably look more terrified than Pluto! hahaha..

      And yay, you’ve finished! ^^

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