#12 Support The Three Lights

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #12 - Support The Three Lights featuring Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya Kou, Sailor Star Maker/Taiki Kou, Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou and Princess Kakyuu/Princess Fireball

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

115 thoughts on “#12 Support The Three Lights”

  1. This is really cute XD and Yaten…LOL!! always the “knowledgable” and “critical” one lol

    love all the expressions, though it seems out of character for Kakyuu to flee off like that!

  2. I guess The princess gets the money from serving Chibi Chibi when she was in the lantern (like the genie who served Alaa Deen) but appearently it was not for free LOL :D

    I love this one^^ It’s awesome!!!!

    I planed not to see the new comics till I finish my exam, but I couldn’t. I stay for a late time on Thursday to see the comics^^ (but most of the time I don’t comment because I have a very limited time and internet speed -_-; AND annoying brothers :P)

      1. Good question.. Mmm, I guess she got the money from the rich man (who gave her that expensive doll)^^ or maybe from the people around her since everybody loves her (she is so cute) ^_^

        By thew way, please make something about Chibi Chibi. She looks Chibi and she will look awesome in this chibi comics ;)

        1. haha! Forgot about the rich man XD

          hmmm..drawing chibi Chibichibi is really tricky! I tried it before and she didn’t really look CHIBI, she just end up looking how she already looks- chibi. XD I hope that made sense.

  3. Thank you so much! Every one so far is great! I come here every Friday now, and these make me laugh so hard. Thanks for making my day :)

  4. Very Funny. :3

    You need to work on the hair screen tones though, it looks a bit awkward. But it is cool that you are trying new things. ^_^

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