#31 Yaten’s Special Treat

MoonSticks #31 Sailor Moon Halloween Special featuring Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou, Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya Kou and Nehellenia dressing up

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

126 thoughts on “#31 Yaten’s Special Treat”

    1. well thats true he does use bad words and hes so rough hes nothing like serina’s boyfiend or neptune’s lover or neptune

  1. I love the Star Healer cosplayer! :D I wanna cosplay as Star Healer. :B

    I’m really liking the appearance of Nehelenia, even if its just a cosplayer.

  2. Beautiful work Jennifer! Yaten is such a bitchy one, with no sense of humor. But I love him/her. XDDDDDD I would of loved that Nehelenia cosplayer.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Yaten : Hmph!

  3. *imagines Setsuna trick or treating at my place* Funny comic. Of course noone trick or treated at my place. *eats all the candy noone came for*

      1. Yeah I think my problem was is I live in the woods so noone would come to a trailer. Though I still have a bigger room than some of my friends in their HOUSES lol

  4. Haha, Funny! :) You’re reli good at this. hey, what did you use to make this website? The layout and everything is cool ^_^

  5. Great!
    Seiya looks awesome in the third panel LOL XD He is really cool. Obviously, he knows A LOT about Earth things hehehe
    It’s really weird that this comic is #31 o_O O_o Scaaarrrry!!!!
    OMG, this BOY has such a really bad test hehe 8D

    Happy Halloween^^

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