#80 Sailor Moon Drops: Taxedo Mask

Sailor Moon Drops Comic Strip/Doujin #80 Taxedo Mask, featuring Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask

Hope you enjoyed this comic based on Sailor Moon Drops (official Sailor Moon iOS game) :D I’m having too much fun with it. Seriously though, who else gets mad when he shows up on the screen?

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

151 thoughts on “#80 Sailor Moon Drops: Taxedo Mask”

  1. LOL I love this! Someone wrote a one-shot based on Sailor Moon Drops in the SM universe and it’s pure gold <333

  2. What level is everyone on that plays?

    I was stuck on level 155 for the longest time! Finally passed it, and 156 isn’t any easier. LOL

    I had fun doing the level up event. It was nice breazing through the easy levels again. I managed to max out Sailor Mars from level two! Venus in my last senshi to max out. She is currently level 2.

    The only student I maxed out is Ami. Her ability is interesting. It seems Usagi has the same ability as Ami. And Minako has the same ability as Sailor Mars. (By reading the descriptions in the character profile.) Sort of disappointed on the repeats, but a relief I don’t have to try to level them up and max them out. LOL

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