Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
95 thoughts on “#7 Moshi Moshi? Sailor Iron Mouse’s Pinch”
Thats probably why Galaxia killed off Iron Mouse! Galaxia has standards, come on Nezu….
Thats probably why Galaxia killed off Iron Mouse! Galaxia has standards, come on Nezu….
I wonder which character mocked Galaxia? XD
Hehe that’s awesome. I felt sorry for Iron Mouse when she got eliminated.
I felt sorry for all of them, after what happened to that cat senshi; indicating none of them was evil because they wanted to.
ha ha. and iron mouse is in disguise (i think…)
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH LOL =] “Get me an iPhone for evilness sake!”
hehee..thanks TVB_4eva, you’re always too sweet XD
LOL! So I guess Galaxia’s a Mac. I wonder which Sailor Moon villain is a PC? ;)
lol, that’s actually a trick question.. if you really analyse it. XD
OMG Epic! Galaxia is my faaavvorite. Thank you for featuring her in a comic!
Oh wow, I never knew Galaxia is your favourite ^^ Good to know :D
Haha. I mean really. LOL It’s great. But not having an iphone that s unforgivable. ^_^
LOL. I actually don’t have an iphone either. XD XD XD
Neither do I though everyone says I should get one.
Considering the series was made in the early 90s and and Cell phones were rather huge (And very rare) back then I think we can forgive her.
thats oldschool, ill be sure to tune in often ;)
Thank you! Hope to see you comment often ^_^
Chibi Jennifer you deserve this cookie –> O <— I just saw it, I’m still laughing. ^_^ keep it up.