Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤
They’re not considered Witches 5 though, it seems like you’re referring to the Entire Death Busters group ^^” (Since you’ve included every single member?)
Yeah, Death Busters seems to be a pyramid kind of organization:
Master Pharao 90 is at the top
↓ Mistress 9 is probably the second highest person in DB
↓ Germatoid answers to Mistress 9 so it is a rank lower
↓ Kaolinite and Witches 5 are subordinates of Germatoid
↓ Daimons ought to be at the lowest step of the pyramid
And in the manga version, Kaolinite ↓
Witches 5
But that’s not the case for the anime version, as we see that the Witches have no respect for her at all (Viluy shoves her aside on a few occasions ^^”” )
Hahaha, I never really thought about it, but Mimete really took up the majority of the episodes, while all the others died like an episode or two after they started doing their missions. xD I think Eudial got a while liner than that, but I can’t remember. Still, though…. XD
Thank you :D :D :D!
Yesh, actually Eudial appeared in about the same amount of episodes as Mimete (around 9) but it felt like she actually got somewhere (Finding the Talisman, and the civilian identities of Sailor Moon, Venus, Uranus and Neptune)~ wheres Mimete basically danced around and didn nothing ^^”
This sums everything about Witches 5 up.. That’s why I don’t get too attached to the remaining 3 witches, nor do I remember them pretty well due to lack of impressions, which is too bad though, considering what we discussed about the Anime’s and the Manga’s villains, because I think the rest of the witches could have developed some (funny..? XD) personality too, since we once see them playing Twister together, which is kinda awkward but funny at the same time whenever I watch that scene xD
Anyhoo, just wanna say that it is so great to see you starting to update more regularly now.. Your comics give me something to look forward to every week ! Thanks heaps ! I hope you’re always overflowing with new, creative and original, funny ideas every week. That being said, feel free to take a break as well when the going gets a bit tough x)
It always brightens my day when I read messages like yours ^^ Thanks so much for always being excited about my work and leaving a comment every time <333 It motivates me to make more :D
hahaa yeah, I’m not sure what I’d do if I made MoonSticks based on the manga villains~ they all seem pretty similar to me without a lot of character. I guess this is why the Death Busters Witches 5 were probably my least favourite villains in the entire series~ and why I thought the Black Moon Clan (Ayakashi Sisters) were so memorable to me :)
Well haha I think I’m the one who should be thanking you for coming up with MoonSticks. I really enjoyed every last one of your comics as they feel like an extra stories (or even bloopers lol) from the original anime. I can’t get enough of Sailor Moon, it seems.
Yeaa, guess the villains would be really hard to make fun of either that way. :\ I love Ayakashi Sisters as well, I wished they could’ve appeared in later seasons, even just as guest stars. I mean, even Reika gets to re-appear in SuperS that one time.
Lol I know right ! As much as I love continuity such as that in long-running series, I didn’t notice the first time around that she is Reika, until they all say that she is Motoki’s girl, and I got all “….Oohh, right ! THAT Reika ! :O” Probably because of her being drawn in different style ? xDD
Pretty much how I felt, they didn’t divide the Witches and the episodes equally (even though I really like Eudial and Mimette) I felt I could’ve also liked the others if they gave them more screen time (at first I hated Mimette because she got rid of Eudial)
I would have liked to see more of the remaining witches as well, otherwise they don’t have any character development ^^” Though the episode about Mimete wanting to be an idol was.. kinda weird too XD
Thanks for the comment :D
I was just thinking of one where usagi needs to transform bc there is a monster but her compact fizzles. She turns it around and on the back says AAA batteries req. With the villain in the back snickering
Wow, the Witches 5 never learnt how to count, did they?
That’ll explain why they’re called Witches 5, even though there’s seven (eight counting Mistress 9) of them.
Well, there’s actually 6. XDDD Kaorinite isn’t part of the Witches 5.
I included Kaolinite and Germatoid in my count. To me, they were the ‘original’ Witches. ^.^
And I count Cyprine and Ptilol as two.
They’re not considered Witches 5 though, it seems like you’re referring to the Entire Death Busters group ^^” (Since you’ve included every single member?)
Yeah, Death Busters seems to be a pyramid kind of organization:
Master Pharao 90 is at the top
↓ Mistress 9 is probably the second highest person in DB
↓ Germatoid answers to Mistress 9 so it is a rank lower
↓ Kaolinite and Witches 5 are subordinates of Germatoid
↓ Daimons ought to be at the lowest step of the pyramid
And in the manga version, Kaolinite ↓
Witches 5
But that’s not the case for the anime version, as we see that the Witches have no respect for her at all (Viluy shoves her aside on a few occasions ^^”” )
LOL witches 5 in a nutshell =D
Hahaha, I never really thought about it, but Mimete really took up the majority of the episodes, while all the others died like an episode or two after they started doing their missions. xD I think Eudial got a while liner than that, but I can’t remember. Still, though…. XD
This is a cute one, actually. :D
Thank you :D :D :D!
Yesh, actually Eudial appeared in about the same amount of episodes as Mimete (around 9) but it felt like she actually got somewhere (Finding the Talisman, and the civilian identities of Sailor Moon, Venus, Uranus and Neptune)~ wheres Mimete basically danced around and didn nothing ^^”
I agree, their screen time was pretty weird XD I wish the other Witches more screen time
It didn’t make much sense to me why Professor Tomoe seemed to be pretty lenient on her and gave her so many chances. Maybe she was too charming? XD
I know right? Haha, that could be it. Maybe she had so much screen time because of the comic relief she provided?
This sums everything about Witches 5 up.. That’s why I don’t get too attached to the remaining 3 witches, nor do I remember them pretty well due to lack of impressions, which is too bad though, considering what we discussed about the Anime’s and the Manga’s villains, because I think the rest of the witches could have developed some (funny..? XD) personality too, since we once see them playing Twister together, which is kinda awkward but funny at the same time whenever I watch that scene xD
Anyhoo, just wanna say that it is so great to see you starting to update more regularly now.. Your comics give me something to look forward to every week ! Thanks heaps ! I hope you’re always overflowing with new, creative and original, funny ideas every week. That being said, feel free to take a break as well when the going gets a bit tough x)
It always brightens my day when I read messages like yours ^^ Thanks so much for always being excited about my work and leaving a comment every time <333 It motivates me to make more :D
hahaa yeah, I’m not sure what I’d do if I made MoonSticks based on the manga villains~ they all seem pretty similar to me without a lot of character. I guess this is why the Death Busters Witches 5 were probably my least favourite villains in the entire series~ and why I thought the Black Moon Clan (Ayakashi Sisters) were so memorable to me :)
Well haha I think I’m the one who should be thanking you for coming up with MoonSticks. I really enjoyed every last one of your comics as they feel like an extra stories (or even bloopers lol) from the original anime. I can’t get enough of Sailor Moon, it seems.
Yeaa, guess the villains would be really hard to make fun of either that way. :\ I love Ayakashi Sisters as well, I wished they could’ve appeared in later seasons, even just as guest stars. I mean, even Reika gets to re-appear in SuperS that one time.
Yeah.. Ayakashi Sisters and the Amazoness Quartret were great :3 I was surprised they randomly decided to throw Reika into SuperS actually ^^”
Lol I know right ! As much as I love continuity such as that in long-running series, I didn’t notice the first time around that she is Reika, until they all say that she is Motoki’s girl, and I got all “….Oohh, right ! THAT Reika ! :O” Probably because of her being drawn in different style ? xDD
Mimette was the best.
At least she had a personality..right? XD
Pretty much how I felt, they didn’t divide the Witches and the episodes equally (even though I really like Eudial and Mimette) I felt I could’ve also liked the others if they gave them more screen time (at first I hated Mimette because she got rid of Eudial)
I would have liked to see more of the remaining witches as well, otherwise they don’t have any character development ^^” Though the episode about Mimete wanting to be an idol was.. kinda weird too XD
Thanks for the comment :D
That sums up my feelings about the villains in the season. I wish the other Witches 5 had more screen time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts ^_^ I loved S, but felt like the pacing was a bit strange, especially when it came to this group of ladies ^^”
Love your comics for a long time! I follow you on fb. Any ways. .. Do you use ideas from other people? I have a cute one if ur interested.
Thanks for the follow sandy :D :D I’m happy to take suggestions but I usually makes comics based on my own ideas :)
I was just thinking of one where usagi needs to transform bc there is a monster but her compact fizzles. She turns it around and on the back says AAA batteries req. With the villain in the back snickering
That’s pretty cute.