#59 Usagi’s Power of Love

MoonSticks #59 Usagi's Power of Love featuring Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi/Princess Serenity and Tuxedo Kamen/Chiba Mamoru/Prince Endymion

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

77 thoughts on “#59 Usagi’s Power of Love”

  1. …Or maybe a kiss from your future daughter would do the trick. ; ) I’m sure ChibiUsa wouldn’t mind at all.

      1. oh yea you mean the original Japanese subed one I have seen that (owns it guilty so guilty) and I thought well if it was the silver crystal (warning saw dubbed names first so will use them)the healed him because you have healling powers but was it the crystal he touched or the um thing

  2. bwahahaha THAT face!!!! omg xDDD don’t know which one is the better one.. Usagis or Endymions … xDDD this is perfect! :DDD

    I want to kiss him too x___X’ *smooch* XD need to clean my monitor O_ò~

    fantastic work!

    hugs for uuuu~ =^___^=

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