#57 The Outer Senshi’s Fall

MoonSticks #57 The Outer Senshi's Fall featuring Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

287 thoughts on “#57 The Outer Senshi’s Fall”

  1. LOL sailor scouts via social networking rocks. I love it, you should have them doing more domestic things like it thru modern-day SN parodies :D

  2. LOL epic =,) I don’t think the panels need to be changed around, but that’s just me ;)
    Welcome back Monnsticks! (y)

  3. Love this!!! It’s so cute haha

    I like how you incorporated Twitter into making fun of the scene where Pluto and saturn pretty much stood there waiting to die despite saying they will fight til death..

    LOL @ the twitter bird in the last frame XD
    Nice come back chibi! Was a surprise to see a new comic!

    1. yaaaay~ 8D!!
      I did feel pretty frustrated about that xD I thought it would be pretty cool to see Pluto and Saturn actually fighting back like they said they would- kinda made them look too soft (but they probably are compared to Uranus & Neptune) AT least now Pluto has an excuse ^_^

      Well, Saturn can blame Pluto for their loss XD
      Great pickup on the twitter birdy too!

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