#38 A Sailor Soldier’s Pride

MoonSticks #38 Star Gentle Uterus - A Sailor Soldier's Pride.  featuring Sailor Star Maker/Taiki Kou, Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou and Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou

And a little extra alternate ending for those who prefer Star Fighter ;)

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

289 thoughts on “#38 A Sailor Soldier’s Pride”

  1. I luv this. its also uz i have neverliked the starlights (i only 7 episodes in to the stars season though) poor uranus

  2. In the dub I saw, they intentionally avoided that pun by pronouncing her name “Sailor Urine-us,” but they ended up with an equally bad pun. TT_TT Even if you tweak the pronunciation, nothing good can come of the word “Uranus.” ^^;;;;;;;

    1. It’s not just something they did in the anime. Officially, the pronunciation is changed. Plus, it’s not just the dub, regardless.

  3. i luv dis comic taiki is my fav star light it is so funnie you really made taiki sound smart ans he was serious this was a awsome comic it was so funnie i think i will say this wit my friends on halloween

  4. I can see Haruka going home to be chastised by Michiru for her ‘immaturity’,

    “I’ll show you MY gentle uterus!” >:(

  5. The Uranus joke was never funny to me. I also get irritated when people ruin a good Uranus hentai pic by flooding it with “HURHUR IN URANUS!!!” comments.

      1. Yeah. I just shrug it off since it’s such a stale joke. It’s only really annoying when they combine it with a lesbian joke.

  6. This reminds me of all the fools on youtube who say things like this XD

  7. I love the alternate one hehehe
    I expected fighter from the beginning. Although Fighter seems mor logical to mock Uranus, Yaten sounds funner LOL
    She is always so serious and in the comics she is funny. Honestly, that suits her hehehehe

    1. Yeh ^_^!

      We already have Star Maker who is pretty serious most of the time, and seeing as Yaten is the more rude and blunt one- I thought it’s best to make her be the nasty one XD

  8. LOL, so great!!! XD

    BTW, Chibi Jannifer, I’ve recently sent you an e-mail, have you received it?
    Please, kindly let me know. :)


      1. Oh O_O, really?
        I’ve used the form on your site… too bad you didn’t received it. ç_ç
        Please, kindly send me your address by mail, I’ll send you the message another time. =)

        Thank you very much.

    1. Omg i thought about the funny memes when kids say the meme you did and im like sailor moon version of the meme is better

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