#38 A Sailor Soldier’s Pride

MoonSticks #38 Star Gentle Uterus - A Sailor Soldier's Pride.  featuring Sailor Star Maker/Taiki Kou, Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou and Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou

And a little extra alternate ending for those who prefer Star Fighter ;)

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

289 thoughts on “#38 A Sailor Soldier’s Pride”

  1. Oh, priceless! I’ve wanted for the longest time to see you tackle those jokes- and you have! Bravo, ChibiJen!

    And Yaten-kun/chan’s laugh is the icing on the cake.

  2. ‘BWAHAHAHA” I love her laugh 8D

    But come on! You shouldn’t treat Haruka in such a way XD

  3. Lol this is soooo funny. But I gotta admit, I hate it when people say ‘Sailor UrANUS’ around me -.-… Thank goodness that’s not the real pronunciation!

    1. haha! XD

      I hear in the English dub they pronounce it like Sailor “Yu-ri-ness” – Hey, just realised that sounds like “Yuri” XD
      But in Australia, I believe “Sailor Uranus” is pronounced as “Ur ANUS” o_o

      1. … That’s surpiseingly fitting. Uranus and Neptune are one of the top Yuri couples out there non-shipping ones too boot.

  4. YES!!!!!
    I am SO happy you touched base on this! I giggle everytime Maker uses her (his) attack. Maybe I am immature too!
    Also, I don’t know if they dubbed it different, but Uranus in the English versions I saw, they pronounced her name not to sound like Ur-anus, more like Ur-ann-ous (I don’t know if that makes a difference in anyone trying to read that, but they seemed to purposefully try to make it less – crass? It was also funny.

    Thanks for making me laugh.

    1. yay, glad you like it Viv! ^.^

      Don’t worry, I’m sure many of us at least giggled upon hearing her attack name ^.^; I know I did. XD

      I think in North America it’s actually pronounced “Yuu-ri-ness” and not “Ur-ANUS” but I could be wrong @.@

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