And a little extra alternate ending for those who prefer Star Fighter ;)
MoonSticks – Sailor Moon Comics/Doujinshi
Fun, Short and Sweet Sailor Moon Comic Strips by Chibi Jennifer
And a little extra alternate ending for those who prefer Star Fighter ;)
XD LOL, that conversation didn’t go right…
We all thought it XD
XDD Hilarious!
YEAH! Sailor Moon fans unite.. xD
LOL too funny!
^___^ Thanks!
LOL!!! Hilarious XD I love this comic because every frama is new and refreshing XD
I loved Maker’s reaction to Uranus’ comment but Healer’s comment just sooo proved maker wrong lol
:D Thanks! I agree, it’s more interesting when the frames are different~ I’m hoping to keep all frames different where possible.
Guess Healer really just ain’t as mature as Maker would like her to be XD
Ahhh, the classic joke.
Yup, indeed ^_^!!
LOL, this is awesome
Thankkyyuuuu ^___^
This one’s great.
Glad you think so!!
Thanks Kat! ^.^
LOL! Love it.
Thanks Elly! ^__^
XD Silly