#21 Seiya’s Odango Obsession

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Douinshi #21 Seiya's Odango Obsession featuring Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter and Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

141 thoughts on “#21 Seiya’s Odango Obsession”

  1. That was pure <3. I was wondering about what was strange with Star Fighter calling Moon Odango but than I finished looking at it and was like 'oh so they don't know each other identities yet.' I love that nickname for Usagi, she's annoyed at it at first when people come up with nicknames centering around her hair.

    Still coming up with great ideas. Keep up the good work. (Oh yeah, this is Nameless. I came up with a name. <3)

    1. Hi nameless! *waves*
      Good to know you’ve chosen something :D Kawaii Silence ^^

      Yeah, I was wondering how to get the message across that they didn’t know each other’s true identity yet. I used subtle hints like how Usagi still seems pretty annoyed that Seiya calls her “Odango” in the first 2 frames. Later on the series she doesn’t seem to mind the nickname at all ^_^

      1. Yeah that’s true. She seems to be annoyed at nicknames at first and then she’s like ‘fine, whatever’.

  2. gahahahahhah :cant breath: gahahahahahh :turned purlple: gahahah :turned green: gagagagaga :drops unconscious:


      1. hihih lol
        please do some rukaXmichi next

        i love the one with the mother saying they were cousins
        and michiru’s lips at the second pic

  3. I can’t stop laughing heheheheeheheheheheehehehe XD XD XD XD
    So creative^^
    It seems that the ski trip was useful for you to get more great ideas 8D

    Stupid Star Fighter! (although I love him^^)

  4. Yeah, how was your ski trip?

    Good to see Star Fighter again! Also great work with the asterisk. Always good to make it accessible for fans of both versions.

    1. Snow was awesome! Thanks for asking! :D

      Ah yes.. I was starting to miss Seiya ^.^; I totally dig the Seiya x Usagi pairing so I’ve been meaning to do one of them together for a while..

      Thanks for the RTs too :D

  5. Hahahahahahaha! Oh boy, that was brilliant! I wish that had happened in the anime. :D
    Yes, I always wondered why nobody in the Sailor Moon universe ever linked Usagi and Sailor Moon’s hairstyles. Even if they’re supposed to look different, she’s like the only person in Tokyo to do her hair like that.

    (Did you have a good ski trip?)

    1. Glad you like this! Been a while since I did one of the three lights :3
      I always wondered why no one calls Sailor Moon odango.. XD

      And thank you! I had a really fun trip :D It’s great to be able to go on a break now and then :D

        1. lol…really?

          I’m not sure why I do it, I just randomly remove eyes now and then XD XD Doesn’t have any particular meaning, lol.

          I’ll keep that in mind next time I feel like leaving out the eyes XD

  6. This reminds me of the scene where Fighter figured out that Usagi was Sailor Moon only to brush it off as impossible before being confirmed of it again in a later episode.

    I loved that scene too. :3

      1. Oh I loved that whole episode X3 X3
        Seiya and Usagi are so cute and fun <3

        It drives me crazy though that they can’t recognise them XD Even if they look different, they still have the same voice.

          1. lol yeah… XD XD I mean a sex-change is quite a disguise!!

            Now this reminds me of how Usagi was confused who Moonlight Knight was because Mamoru was also present when he was XD

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