120 thoughts on “#50 Black Lady is Born”

  1. XD That’s hilarious.

    Poor Chibi Usa. Gonna destroy the universe since no one told her happy bday.
    What a psycho!

  2. WOO 50! I have always loved coming to moonsticks and I hope to see more funny comic strips in the future :)! Haha poor chibiusa,she must be tired of being a chibi person ^^.

    1. It’s always a pleasure reading your comments :) Thanks for the support!

      Chibiusa always wanted to become an adult..though in MoonSticks, she will always be a chibi, lol.

  3. Yay! 50! I didn’t even realize it until it was pointed out. :o Congrats! Anyway, it was another good comic. Black Lady aka Chibiusa, loves to be in the spotlight. ^.^ I always thought it was wierd that they had the same birthday, but I guess Usagi (or then Neo Queen Serenity?) would be happy celebrating her own and welcoming her daughter to the world.

    Now time to reach a 100. :]

    1. Thanks Kawaii Silence! It’s good to reach this milestone!
      I’ll work hard towards the 100 =)

      hehee, with the same name, same birthday, gemstone, blood type, astrology, hair, henshin.. it’s no wonder they’re so similar XD

  4. OMG THAT’S JUST WHAT I WAS THINKING!! XD There’s no way Neo Queen Serenity could’ve forgotten Small Lady’s birthday!

    and congrats on your 50th comic and new domain!

  5. Poor Black Lady! She only wants some attention, even if it’s the wrong kind of attention! She’s just a kid who wants attention! (I wonder what Helios would think of Black Lady? lol.)

    Congrats on #50! Keep up the awesomeness!

    1. Thanks for your continuous comments Odango Atama ^_^

      And yes, I wondered about Helios too, lol. When Chibiusa gets grown up in SuperS, I thought her hair would be the same as Black Lady but it turns out differently ^^;

      1. Not in the manga! In the manga, her hair is exactly the same as when she’s black lady–the characters are even all D:!!!!!! at first, because they think Black Lady is back XD

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