#69 A Timely Death

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #69 A Timely Death featuring Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou, Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaiou and Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meiou From Sailor Moon S

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

101 thoughts on “#69 A Timely Death”

  1. Yay TGIF for a new comic !! Your version of Pluto never fails to crack me up lol ! Uranus and Neptune sure can be too upfront at times… If I were Pluto, I’d be all like “Well screw you too then, we’re going down together ! Unpause–” *KABOOM !* (not too smart a decision, it seems..) xD

    But seriously though, Haruka and Michiru are just about a year older than the Inner Senshi, where’d all those fortunes come from ? A spacious mansion, a fancy motorbike, a sports car, and then a helicopter ? Talk about rich XDD

    1. Thanks V_Lix :D :D!!! I’m glad you like Pluto, because she’s my favourite in MoonSticks as well :3

      Yeah… it’s kinda weird how they’re so rich XDDD I guess Haruka gets her money from Motor Cross prize money wins? If she’s good enough she could earn quite a lot. Same with Michiru~ maybe her money comes from her violin gigs or art paintings..? XDDD

      1. Maybe because Pluto in the anime mostly acts all stern and serious (barring that one episode with the popsicle in Stars lol xD). Well, she and Saturn have always been my favourite duo, although they very rarely get the spotlight, and when they finally do, it involves them dying in the next couples of minutes haha..

        Lol yes, I guess those are the only logical and most probable explanations on how ridiculously rich they are. Good for Setsuna that she sticks with those two hahaha.. Well, maybe at the expense of being in charge of the house chores as well as being Hotaru’s babysitter. Poor Puu XDD

        1. haha yeah..the Popsicle one was kinda ridiculous XDD Can’t take her seriously in that episode XD

          I think in the manga, Haruka and Michiru had some “benefactor” but that’s not really explained properly.

          Guess we just gotta go with it!

      1. I did wonder how they got out.
        Pluto, do you have a key that opens doors to transport people from place to place instead of through time? lol

  2. after watching the show again at TV I realized that uranus and neptun were damn annoying XD pluto is still good, though XD

  3. Seriously, how were they ever teleported with Pluto busy stopping time and the rest of the scouts scattered about. xD?

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