#22 Protect Mamoru! Earth’s danger

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #22 Protect Mamoru! featuring Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon, Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Kamen, Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury, Rei Hino/Sailor Mars, Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter and Minako Aino/Sailor Venus

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

134 thoughts on “#22 Protect Mamoru! Earth’s danger”

  1. GREAT XD I love this one..
    Ok, from now on I’ll recycle…… everything lol
    AND for Mamo-chan’s sake I’m working in the dark :D

    Usagi must take me with her in the strik LOL ^^;
    Nice comic
    really you come from the trip with great and new ideas ^^

    BUT a question..
    Since they will unite their powers for saving Mamoru, why Usagi is the only one there in the strike??!!
    Good question, ha? XD

    AND she looks really happy lol

    1. Good to know you enjoyed this one ^_^
      This one feels a bit different to my other comics since this idea was suggested by a guest named Maggii-chan :}

      umm..no other senshi cause it was almost 2am in the morning and I needed my sleep ^^;

      (so sad but true ><) I also have a version of her looking really sad. I wondered which one to use.. but since the whole comic has a serious feel to it, I think it's better to have a balance with a smiley face somewhere. Plus, I think people would be more willing to listen to a happy person being positive than a grumpy moon. What do you guys think? Should Usagi look happy so sad in the last frame? XD

    2. I like Usagi with her cute smile, but I disagree with you. People will see how serious she is if she was a little sad, or at least without a smile, or angry for example..
      BUT since this is a comic, it’s so cute to make her with a big laugh. ;)

  2. YUSS!!
    I planted trees for 3 summers in a row (almost did it this summer too, but really, I like my body not to feel broken and roughly 250 000 trees is a good number). I feel like I have helped in saving Mamoru!
    Yay me.

  3. This is the best MoonSticks ever… with a moral! I’m a huge Sailor Moon fan and a HUGE environmentalist, so seeing two of my favorite things together is making me happy.

    Now please – DO turn off lights when you aren’t in the room, turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth, and always reduce, reuse, and recycle!! <3

    1. Good to know you’re passionate about the environment! :D I like the idea of re-using and recycling, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to use real life issues for a comic.

  4. …and now I have the urge to sing the Captain Planet theme song… “By your powers combineeeedddd….” :P

          1. Haha yeah that’s totally what I was thinking as well! I was half expecting him to pop up…though he has no relation to Sailor Moon. lol

  5. OMG! I was thinking the same thing, RECYCLE TO SAVE MAMORU! xD
    But how come Mamoru’s hands are gray just like the shirt?

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