#76 Moon Tiara…. Power Up!

Sailor Moon Crystal Comic Strip 'Moon Tiara.... Power Up!' featuring Sailor Moon and her various tiara power-up forms

Moon Tiara…Boomerang? Did it just revert back to the beginning? 8D As a fan of the 90s Sailor Moon… I found the tiara power ups pretty amusing. Especially the one that reminds me of horns XD

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

196 thoughts on “#76 Moon Tiara…. Power Up!”

  1. Hooray!!! A new comic!! Also…huh..now that you mention it, her tiara DID just go back to the original version…LOL I guess with her brooch constantly changing..and her costume constantly changing…and her attacks constantly changing SOMETHING needed to stay the same and the tiara was demoted.

  2. I love her tiara designs in the manga/Crystal, the third one is my favourite, even though it resembles bull horns, ha, ha!
    Love your comic strips, keep up the amazing work, and keep being amazing! <3

  3. I will admit in the twenty years I have been watching and reading sailor moon I have never thought about the transition of her tiara. I had a good laugh at this. Great job!

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