#47 Debatable Love Triangle

MoonSticks #47 Debatable Love Triangle featuring Peruru/Perle, Chibiusa and Helios

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

155 thoughts on “#47 Debatable Love Triangle”

  1. Oooh! New MoonSticks!

    Just as the whole Mamoru love-shape (What could that qualify as!? Love square? Love octagon?) debate ends, I get a comic about Helios and Perle!

    Urgh, I cannot stand how Perle seems to swipe Chibiusa from Helios. But they have the same goal.

    I swear, if Chibiusa stummbles into Kingdom Hearts, she might start to stalk Riku around (Because, note that Helios and Perle both have semi-silver hair. And Riku’s hair is silver)

  2. Hmm.. let’s have a look.. i’m not sure about this Gravatar thing xD

    Soo.. here i am! selena of course :P

    In the first cell i realy don’t see that this is _not_ helios! Shame on me… (hello sel? The horn is missing?! XD)

    They realy look soooo similar! And in there way.. they have same task.. oô
    Brothers? Father and son? XD GAY?! O__o~

    god no.. i’m realy not a big fan of chibiusa.. but helios and she… thats simply a sweet couple ^^ … and usagi gets mamo-chan xD So.. everyone is happy :p

    But earnestly.. what is helios doing in perurus sleeping room? :P

    Very funny.. great artwork.. <3<3<3 like every week :3

    *kisses 'n hugz* ^-^

    1. haha thank you! ^^

      ..and yay, you finally got a gravatar 8D!! (cute!)

      I tried to make Peruru as Peruru and non-Helios as possible, but hey, they do look quite similar in the series so there’s only so much I can do, lol. Oh, and that’s why I had Chibiusa randomly calling his name “Oh..Peruru!” lol

  3. OMZ hilarious! Peraru… I bet he’s like, “You can take her, Helios!”

    I’m pretty sure that at the end of the SuperS movie, Peraru says he’s going to protect the dreams of children. That’s basically what Pegasus does, too, so it’d make sense for them to know each other :)

    1. lol, if I was Helios I’d feel pretty embarrassed by that comment XD XD (esp when we all know Helios and Chibiusa will get together in the future :))

      Peruru’s similarity to Helios kinda bugged me a lot..lol.. protecting dreams of children..anymore, original? XD


    nice one xD

  5. HAHAHAHA!!! This one is my new favorite. <3

    Helios and Perle are secretly in loooveeee. And they never met Chibi-Usa. XP! ^__^

    1. lol, I’m not sure that was the actual intention of this comic, LOL!!

      See the funny thing about humour is.. people seem to have their own interpretations of what happens and I think that makes it rather amusing too 8D

      I didn’t even see it like that but now that you mention it…. XD ahah

      1. =) I like to find LGBT in almost everything, that’s just me. I mostly find it more funny that Chibi-Usa is described as just some pink-haired ten-year-old and that the dream was creepy.

          1. It’s an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. Part of the reason why I love Sailor Moon so much is for its abundance of gay, etc. characters.

            Not that I think Perle/Peruru and Helios are gay in the show/manga. But come on. One is a fairy and the other has a big horn on his head, haha.

            I LOVE YOUR WEBCOMICS. Just saying.

  6. I always thought the animators were too lazy to draw another character because peruru and helios look kinda like each other.

      1. Except Perle has those freaking weird ears!

        What are those things anyway… they point down instead of up. He’s like… a puppy.

  7. This was one thing I always wondered about in Sailor Moon (this and Serenity’s father, but I prefer Helios too :)

      1. I mean how much PeruruxChibiusaxHelios reminds me of SeiyaxUsagxMamoru. Am I the only person who thinks like that?


        1. I hope not. It would be even weirder than the people who ship Hotaru/Helios. Where the heck that idea came from, I’d like to know XD.

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