#45 No Longer A Planet

MoonSticks #45 No Longer A Planet featuring Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meiou, Chibiusa/Small Lady and Luna P

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

216 thoughts on “#45 No Longer A Planet”

  1. Yay! Comic is back! I hope you had a good break. This week’s comic is excellent as always. Keep up the great work!

  2. YAY MOONSTICKS! OK, I’m done now. Great comic to get back into the swing of things. I was seriously thinking it was the demotion of Pluto but than Chibiusa brought up Setsu/Endy, and was like ‘well, that’s another thing too.’ Complete misconception on Chibiusa’s part.

    1. yeah XD I’ve been asked to make a comic on demoted Pluto quite a bit, but I felt the concept has been used a lot already, and since it was old news I thought I’d make a joke on that instead ^^;

  3. Weeeelllcoooommeee baaaaaackkk!!! x3333

    So good to hear from you again :D

    Poor Pluto ^^ Must be hard to be a Sailor Soldier without a planet ^^’
    And yeah.. there is a scene in the manga where Pluto and Endymion are… yeah.. close :x Nothing actually to see.. but a feeling.. there could be more between them :p

    Haahh.. i’m happy now XD

    Good night everyone :)


  4. This is totally brilliant! Me and some of my friends have often pointed out that Pluto isn’t technically a planet anymore. I’m really happy these are back :D

  5. LOL Epic!

    K sadly I know I’m probably going to get chewed out about this but. Did the comment about Pluto having an affair was that in the manga or was it just a random idea?

    1. It’s a stab at a particularly resilient Epileptic Tree (read: Insane Fan Theory that may or may not be believable) that claims that Setsuna is Chibi-Usa’s real mother because of hair/eye/nose color. It’s completely wash, since the design notes for Usagi place her and Serenity as originally being more platinum than blonde, such that Chibi-Usa’s Pink would follow more naturally once you throw Endymion/Mamoru into the genetic mix.

      Like I said, the theory is wash. But it’s fun to speculate.

      Also: Welcome back, Jen!

      1. There is also the one picture in the manga that shows Endymion awfully close to Pluto. Then there’s when she’s sighing and commenting to herself about the lavender colour of his outfit….

        1. That is very true. ^.^ There is a lot of evidence in the manga on Pluto’s part for having some feelings for Endymion. Also a couple scenes in the anime though not as strong for relationship wise but more of both acting motherly/fatherly to Chibiusa. (mainly the scene of Chibiusa looking for Hotaru)

          I know Usagi and Mamoru are Chibiusa’s parents for sure, but it is not a bad couple and there is some evidence of some feelings so it isn’t a completely crack pairing. I like the Mamoru/Setsuna pairing when their are Usagi/Seiya fanfics, so Mamoru won’t be left out. <3 Usagi/Mamoru are still the best together I think, and great parents to Chibiusa.

    2. hehe, definitely not random ^_^ (But the joke can still work without this knowledge, it’s just a little bonus for those who have heard about the ‘rumours’) XD I haven’t read the manga myself, but I have come across rumours over the years online with people saying they had an affair. Personally I think it’s nonsense but hey, I’ll just let them be 8D

  6. OMG This is amazing!

    I’ve missed these so much these last couple of weeks. Welcome back from your break! :D

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