#26 Outer Senshi vs Starlights

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #26 Outer Senshi vs Starlights featuring Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou, Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaiou, Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meiou, Sailor Star Maker/Taiki Kou and Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

124 thoughts on “#26 Outer Senshi vs Starlights”

  1. lol everyone is stronger than the Inner Senshi! XD

    I think the Starlights would win against the Outers (sans Saturn, but she doesnt really count because shes not supposed to be good in the first place). Idk… they seemed really strong in their season…their attacks just looked weak.

  2. Hahahaha, good one! Poor Maker and Healer…:D

    I’m expecting one of them to say: “So what line should we say now?” :D

    1. Hi Miss Breeziness :D! I knew this comic would be a good bait to get you back here
      Glad you enjoyed this one ^___^

      The last frame is kinda like..”what..?”

      xD Anything to delay the fight, aye? ^^

      1. Well, the Sera Myu Starlights would totally kick the Inners’ butts…I mean, Fighter alone chased off the Animamates whom the entire 9 of them couldn’t defeat! If we’re talking anime it’s a tougher call…

        1. WOW! Really?!
          I never knew about that! Haven’t seen the musicals :3

          Actually, now that you mention it..the Starlights do seem to be a lot stronger. One attack seems to be sufficient to defeat a phase.

      2. LMAO! Once again, Jenn hits a homer! I’ve always loved that confrontation between the Outers and the Starlights, even though Seiya was injured. It was so bad ass when they transformed instantly under cover of darkness. 8-)

        With Saturn, Starlights lose. Unless they speed blitz her. Without Saturn, the Starlights would win. Then again, Setsuna-sama can stop time and put the Starlights out of their misery. After all, even with the Starlights’ incredible speed to zip all over the Galaxy, what good is that when Time is stopped. So, as a biased Setsuna-sama fangirl, I give the win to the Outers. Take Setsuna-sama out though, and the the Starlights take it home. My opinion.

        Anyway, great job Jenn! :cookie: Keep em’ coming!

        1. I don’t know cause remember episode 200 when starlights was taking on uranus. Uranus did some major butt kicking to them then!! So I think they can take them on!!

          1. In the Starlights’ defense, they weren’t trying. Even Seiya was fighting without her head in the game against Uranus. You saw their true drive in the Galaxia battle, which convinced me that they could tear up Haruka and Michiru easily, if they really wanted.


  3. Wow
    I love this, the tension between the Outers and the Star Lights during this scene its just so cool. Tho the Outers are intimidating to say the least but that’s what’s so cool about them and its not the Star Lights fault for being near Usagi. Well its not Healer or Maker’s fault but I believe that its sweet that Seiya cares for Usagi its kinda hard not to like her but he shows that he would do all most any thing to protect her no mater what happens to him.

    I believe that the Outer Senshis would win seeing that its three against two and the fact the outers are my favorit.

    1. It’s pretty difficult to gain the trust of the Outer Senshi~ aye? I would be a bit suspicious here too judging from what Maker an Healer are saying, but they work so differently to Seiya. Since Seiya’s love for Usagi is so obvious, I wonder why the Outer Senshi are still so untrusting of Seiya, at least? I mean, he put his own life in danger for her..surely he wouldn’t be the enemy? ^^;

      I get the impression since outers are stronger than inners, the Sailor Starlights would be stronger than outers.

      But since it’s just two against 3, outers would have the upperhand.

      1. After watching someone jump in front of something to protect a person that they care about one would think that this person would earn the trust of this person or her friends. But it’s not the case for the Outer Senshi. I think they still don’t trust him because it’s there job to stop invaders from out side there system form entering and not only that it’s also there job to protect there Queen so seeing someone else hanging around Usagi and is willing to do any thing to protect her would make them a little suspicious, plus they in a way they barely know who he really is. Also he’s form out side there solar system and seeing that it’s there job to stop intruders form entering there system, I can understand why they don’t trust Seyai or even the Star Lights.

        ((Sorry if it doesn’t makes sens))

        1. yeah I understand what you’re saying..but still.. xD xD I can’t help but think there’s also some personal grudges in there, too. lol

          We all know what Haruka and Seiya’s first encounter was like ;)

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