#20 Professor Tomoe’s Mind

MoonSticks Sailor Moon Comic/Doujinshi #20 Professor Tomoe's Mind featuring Professor Souichi Tomoe and Kaolinite/Kaori of the Death Busters

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen and I've been making cute and fun Sailor Moon comic strips since 2009. If you enjoy my comics, please consider tipping to show your appreciation. Thanks for the support ❤

179 thoughts on “#20 Professor Tomoe’s Mind”

  1. 2 oranges and a bannana! thats so funny.but yeah his face kind of looks like it

    kaolinite is right,proffesor tomoe does need to get out more

  2. I just caught up on the last two, and they gave me a great chuckle as always. :D I love your sense of humor lol.

  3. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome…
    I don’t know what to say more..
    I used to sympathize with her, how poor!! ^^;
    Dr. Tomoe is extremely silly AHHH *A big sweat drop*

  4. Wow, nicely drewn, Jennifer-san.

    I’m glad there still are Sailor Moon sites that are actually active.

    BTW, loved this comic xDD

  5. lol lol lol lol

    That’s right Tomoe, play it cool :D He’s such a pimp, and doesn’t really notice Kaori-sama’s strong affections for him.

    Love the look at Kaori-sama’s face, too damn priceless. XD

  6. good thing i wasn’t eating or drinking anything when i read this one. LMAO!!! his profile in the 3rd panel looks effin’ hilarious XD

  7. Ha ha! Yes! That totally sounds like something he’d say. He’s such a psycho (and one of the funniest characters in SM)!! I really feel sorry for Kaolinate, though. But, falling in love with someone like that means she’s probably just as crazy as he is. ^^

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